Want to incorporate something new into your training routine? If you lack dumbbells and a gym, this can be replaced with a Kettlebell. It doesn't take up much space and is perfect for practicing in a home. In kettlebell exercises you can burn a lot of calories and increase muscle endurance and muscle mass. Most importantly, it does not require any additional necessary equipment for the exercise with kettlebell and you don't need more than one kettbell to complete the training.

The secret to success lies in the basics, and good basics make it possible to recognize the difference between an amateur and a professional. Therefore, you need to learn the basics with a kettbeller to avoid injuries and to hit a particular muscle group.

1.Kettlebell Swing

The distance between the feet should be shoulder-width apart. Kettlebell tightly squeezed both hands, straightens his back and knees, slowly bend. With a swing from the hips and a conscious contraction of the muscles of the back of the thighs and butt, and then the quadriceps, with the extension of the thighs a Kettlebell lifted into the air in front. The arms must be extended during the movement.

Sets: 3

Reps: 12-15

2.Kettlebell Snatch

It's similarly done as a previous exercise, only kettlebell goes overhead. The line of motion is longer, so the muscles of the hull are activated, which serve as motion stabilizers. Kettlebell is first dragged to shoulder height and then explosively lifts Kettlebell overhead.

Sets: 3

Reps: 12-15

3. Kettlebell Clean

The starting position for swing performance is the same as for swing. Kettlebell pulls from this position with his body until his elbows are at chest height, after which the trainee quickly enters under Kettlebell so that his weight is above his wrist. The end point of the movement of the weight is on the forearm, the elbow is bent and resting on the lateral abdomen, and the body is in an upright position.

Sets: 3

Reps: 10 on each side

4. Kettlebell jerk

From the end point of the movement in which the weight is on the forearm, the elbow is bent and resting on the lateral abdomen, the weight is raised above the head. The movement is performed from the legs, the impulse is given from the knees so that kettlebell  is lifted and the torso and body remain solid and upright. In the extreme position, the elbows and shoulders are extended.

Sets: 3

Reps: 15

5. Kettlebell windmill

When performing this exerciser, the exerciser stands apart, slightly wider than shoulder width apart. Kettlebell is held overhead, with the arms fully extended. The leg opposite the arm in which the weight is located should be opened outwards by about 90 degrees. The weight is on the leg of the side of the body where the weight is.

From this position, the exercier leans forward from the hips towards the ground, touching the ground in front of him with his various hands, then returning to the starting position. During the performance of the movement, the view is directed at a kettlebell all the time, and the arm in which a kettlebell is located must be at all times stretched and directed towards the ceiling.

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