1. Vitamin A
Little is known about the importance of Vitamin A. Most people are aware of its inviting effects on eye health, but its role is far greater. Vitamin A absorption is carried out in the intestine by the bile acids. The main depot of vitamin A in the human body and animal is the liver. An adult human liver may contain more than 300 mg of this vitamin. Vitamin A is partially excreted in the urine unchanged. In addition to the positive effects on the eyes, it is also important in:
• Normal growth and health
• Reproduction
• Mucus secretions
• Strengthens the immune system
• Antioxidant role
And what is important for recreational and bodybuilders is its role in protein synthesis, which is important for muscular growth.
2. Vitamin C
Vitamin C belongs to the group of water soluble vitamins. The specificity is that unlike the vitamin soluble in fat that creates reserves and can last for years, this vitamin must be consumed daily.
The recommended daily doses are 30-60 mg for the average person.
The main function is presented as an antioxidant, protects our body from free radicals, participates in the processes of wound healing, cofactor is in the process of creating collagen, the basic building protein in our body, participates in the formation of erythrocytes, increases the absorption of iron and much more. It is important to note that by strengthening collagen, we also strengthen our joints, which are under heavy load when lifting weights and therefore reduce the chance of injury.
Vitamin C can be found in black currant (200 mg / 100 g), red pepper (190 mg / 100 g), parsley (130 mg / 100 g), kiwi and broccoli (90 mg / 100 g). One of the biggest misconceptions associated with Vitamin C is that it has the most in citrus fruits (lemon and orange). The real truth is that peppers also contain four times more vitamin C than citrus fruits (50 mg / 100 g).

3. Vitamin E
Vitamin E belongs to the group of fat soluble vitamins and their main role is antioxidant. Protects the body from free radicals that damage the cell and contribute to the development of cardiovascular disease. The organism is also exposed to free radicals in the environment, such as cigarette smoke, polluted air, ultraviolet radiation, and the rest.
As for the natural sources of the vitamin, these are vegetable oils, sunflower seeds, hazelnuts, peanut butter, corn oil, broccoli and more. Vitamin E is involved in the proper development of the retina, while protecting against cataracts and macular defenses. People also use it as a cure for stretch marks and skin problems.
The recommended daily dose of Vitamin E is 30 I.U., but the world's leading researchers recommend a daily intake of 100 - 200 I.U., especially in the elderly
It is important to note that vitamin E can also be introduced through supplements, such as Nature Made Vitamin E , which can meet your daily needs for this vitamin. Once again, I state that optimal dosages are needed and a consultation with a doctor would be helpful.
4. Vitamin D
Vitamin D belongs to the group of fat-soluble vitamins whose list of roles in the body is increasing every day. Its main function is to maintain a normal amount of Ca in the blood by controlling the absorption and storage in the bone. It also affects the absorption of P. Which tells us that vitamin D is of great importance for bone mass, their strength and the prevention of bone injury. Also important in Vitamin D is its effect on muscle strength, as it increases the volume and number of muscle fibers II, the fast muscle fibers that are dominant in sprinters and weight lifters. Some other roles: protecting the body from cardiovascular disease, reducing the risk of type II diabetes, reducing the risk of cancer, and more.
Recommendations from the US Institute of Medicine suggest that an average daily intake of 400-800 IU, or 10-20 micrograms, is adequate for 97.5% of individuals.
There are three ways to bring it into our body: through the sun, through food and through supplements.
When directly exposed to the sun, the body produces vitamin D sufficient to meet daily needs. However, staying indoors when it is cloudy can not contribute to a normal concentration of Vitamin D and also too much sun exposure without sunscreen can lead to various ailments.
The next source is food, but there are only a handful of foods that contain vitamin D. Mostly these are fatty fish such as salmon, tuna and mackerel.
In addition, there is a supplement that is an effective way of replenishing this vitamin D. It is also important to know that high amounts of vitamin D in the blood can cause: nausea, vomiting, poor appetite, weakness and therefore need not be taken more than the permitted doses or that consult your doctor.What I would recommend is Vitamin D3 made with coconut oil and which will satisfy your daily needs.

Vitamins B complex
B complex vitamins are crucial for hundreds of different enzymatic reactions in the body. The results of their action are beautiful skin, hair and nails. Their deficiency can directly affect the health of the cardiovascular system.
B vitamins are a group of the following vitamins:
B1 - Thiamine
B2 - riboflavin
B3 - Niacin
B5 - Pantothenic acid
B6 - pyridoxine
B7 - biotin
B9 - Folic acid
B12 - cyanocobalamin
Each of these vitamins plays an important role in the body, and in many processes they participate together. I will write more about these vitamins in one of the following posts. These vitamins belong to the group of water-soluble vitamins and their intake is ensured through supplements and foods. They affect good mood, memory motivation and a sense of satisfaction. Vitamin B6 also participates in protein metabolism, B12 participates in normal central nervous system maintenance, B2 participates in glucose metabolism and fatty acid oxidation, B1 participates in hemoglobin formation and much more.
It is introduced into our body through food or supplements. Foods rich in B complex are: potatoes, banana, whole peppers, tempeh, legumes. As for supplements like Divine Bounty - Super B Complex Vitamins, which contain complex B Vitamin I, one tablet is sufficient to meet the daily requirement of this vitamin.
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