Glutes workout with resistence bands

Today, when all the gyms are closed and summer is just almost there,you have no more time to waste. If you have or not have weights, you just have to try resistance bands. 
Resistance bands are a great thing  for isolating a particular muscle in this case glutes muscles .

They are cheap, don't require a lot of space and achieve great results. Resistance bands work by giving constant muscle tension throughout the movement. They aren't a innovation in fitness and bodybuilding industrial, as it is used by a lot of amateur and professional athlete to emphasize their workout with light weight.

1. Glute Bridge

Tie an elastic band around your legs above knee level. Lie on your back with your knees bent (90 degree angle). Lift your hips off the floor, keeping your hands close to your body. During this exercise, try to squeeze your buttocks as much as possible. 

Repeat 15-20 times.

2. Lateral band walk

In order for this exercise to be effective, you need to choose an resistence band that suits your fitness level. Put the band around both feet just below the knee. Extend your legs shoulder-width apart and lower into a half-squat. Take steps aside. Make sure that your knees are always in the same plane and that you aren't moving vertically.

Repeat 8-10 times each side.

3. Supinated clamshell

The band should be above your knees. Lay down with your knees pointed forward and bent at a 90 degree angle.Lift your top knee upwards 8-12 inches, foot stays in place against the bottom foot. Lower your knee back down to the bottom knee. 

Repeat 8-10 times each side

4. Single leg glute kickback

The starting position is on your knees and hands. The band is slightly over knee. From this position, one leg is lifted back, making sure that the body is stationary and that the back is straight. Slowly lower your leg back.

Repeat 8-12 times each side

5. Fire Hydrant The resistance band should be above the knee. The starting position should be at the knees and palms. Bend your leg at a 90-degree angle and lift it sideways. Back straight and body stable during movement.

Repeat 8-12 times each side

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