Standing Calf Raise 

1. Stand with your toes on the platform and shoulders under the pads. and lower your heels as far as possible for a full sbetch. 
2. Lift the weight by raising your heels as high as possible. keeping your legs straight. 
3. Slowly lower your heels back down to the start position.

Muscles Involved 
Primary: Gastrocnemius. 
Secondary: Soleus. 

Anatomic Focus 

Foot position: Pointing your toes straight ahead (a) targets the whole gastrocnemius muscle. Pointing your toes outward (b) emphasizes the inner (medial) head, whereas pointing your toes inward (c) targets the outer (lateral) head

Foot spacing: Positioning your feet hip-Width apart targets the whole gastrocnemius muscle. A wide stance (a) tends to emphasize the inner (medial) head, whereas a narrow stance (b) targets the outer (lateral) head. 

Body position: Keep your knees stiff and back straight. Keeping your knees locked straight stretches the gastrocnemius, which helps to focus effort on the gastrocnemius and minimizes soleus action. If your knees bend, the soleus is allowed to contribute to the movement. 

Range of motion: To maximize the range of motion, aim for a full stretch at the bottom and full squeeze at the top. 

Seated Calf  Raise  

1. Place the balls of your feet on the platform, place the pads across your lower thighs, and lower your heels as far as possible.
2. Lift the weight by raising your heels up as high as you can.
3. Slowly lower your heels down to the start position.

Muscle Involved 
Primary: Soleus 
Secondary: Gastrocnemius

Anatomic Focus 

Foot position:
Pointing your toes straight ahead (a) targets the whole calf muscle. Pointing your toes out (b) emphasizes the inner calf, whereas pointing your toes inward (c) targets the outer section of the muscle. 

Foot spacing:
Positioning your feet hip-width apart targets the whole calf muscle. A wide stance emphasizes the inner (medial) head, whereas a narrow stance targets the outer (lateral) head. 
Body position
Position the pad just above your knees, not too high on the thighs. In the seated position, the bent knee places emphasis on both the soleus and the gastrocnemius. 
Range of motion
To maximize the range of motion, aim for a full stretch at the bottom and full squeeze at the top. 

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