Phil Heath first won professional bodybuilding competitions in 2006 and everything seemed to reach the very top of the bodybuilding world soon. However, this didn't happen because many pointed out that his back was not sufficiently developed and this was greatly influenced by his further breakthrough in the bodybuilding scene. Fortunately, with the help of legendary bodybuilder and Mr Olympia chamipon, Jay Cutler helped him in changing his back training and, in a short time, his back released one of Phil Heat's leading assets. 

Phil used free weight the most in his training. With the help of the barbell or dumbbell row he was able to build massive latsimus, ramboids and the middle part of the trapezius. Thanks to changes in back training, he was able to improve his form in a short time, leading to Mr Olympia's first title.

1. Pull ups - 4 series - 10-12 reps

2. Seated cable rows - 4 series - 10-12 reps

3. Barbell Row - 4 series - 10-12 reps (underhand and overhand grip)

4. One arm dumbbell row - 4 series - 10-12 reps

5. Close Grip Lat Pulldown - 4 series - 10-12 reps

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