Why we need chia seeds ?

Chia seeds have become one of the most popular targets, because of the many benefits they provide are considered super foods. Chia seeds are recommended for anyone who wants to create healthy habits and improve their quality of life. These seeds are on the list of 10 most nutritious foods. This plant originates from South and Central America, specifically the areas of Peru, Guatemala, Bolivia, Paraguay and Mexico.The very name Chia is actually an ancient Mayan word for power, which further speaks to how much the Mayans trusted to make this plant stronger.

Chia is actually a black, white and dark brown seed that is rich in antioxidants, fiber, omega-3 fats, and also contains high levels of magnesium, zinc, iron and calcium. As for the nutritional power of this seed in one serving, 1 oz (28.4 g) contains 138 calories, 8 grams of fat, 12 grams of carbohydrates, 10 grams of fiber and 5 grams of protein. This means that only one full spoon per day provides 18% of daily calcium requirements, 27% phosphorus, 30% manganese and slightly less potassium, zinc and copper.

How do they taste and how to consume them?

Chia seeds have a neutral taste and are therefore an ideal complement to many dishes. They are perfect in combination with salads, in the preparation of dough, pastries or cakes, and you can also submerge them in yogurt or pudding. You can consume them in all 3 servings. With breakfast you can combine with yogurt, combine with oatmeal or add in the preparation of breads and sandwiches. For lunch, you can add them in meat dishes or be salads. Dinner should be a light meal and we recommend cia seeds in yogurt with fruit.

The benefits of cia seeds

Chia weight loss seeds ?

Chia seeds are great for stimulating digestion because they contain a high amount of fiber. Also, chia seeds in the digestive system absorb 10 times more water than their size, which encourages the feeling of satiety. It is very important to state that chia seeds are not magic and that by simply entering them you can eliminate excess pounds. To do this, you need to reduce your daily calorie intake and cia seeds will greatly assist in this process.

Chia seed affects the treatment and appearance of diabetes ?

Cia seeds contain alpha linoleic acid and a high percentage of fibers that prevent dyslipidemia and insulin resistance - two of the most important factors that lead to diabetes.

Chia seeds affect heart rate?

Cia seeds have the ability to reduce inflammation, regulate cholesterol and low blood pressure, which has a positive effect on the cardiovascular system, with the help of a large cart of omega 3 fatty acids that also reduce bad cholesterol (HDL).

Chia seeds contain high quality protein?

Proteins play an important role in sports performance and recovery after physical activity. One cassia chia seed contains 3 grams of complete proteins, that is, those that contain all the essential amino acids. High protein intake reduces appetite and has been shown to reduce obsessive thinking about food by 60% and the desire for snacks by 50%. Chia seeds are a great choice protein for a diet that does not include animal products or include very few.

Chia seeds affect bone health?

Only one dose of Chia seeds contains 18% of the recommended daily amount of calcium. Calcium is essential for bone health and density. Chia seeds also contain the mineral Boron - essential for the absorption of calcium, magnesium, manganese and phosphorus, which together affect healthy bone and muscle growth.

Chia seeds affect youth?

When it comes to the elixirs of youth, cia seeds should definitely be on the list of products that keep us from getting old. Untreated cia seed contains an enormous amount of antioxidants, which will contribute to a younger look regardless of age. The concentration of antioxidants in chia seeds is higher than in chokeberry and blueberry.

What is the daily dose of chia seeds?

Chia seeds cannot be consumed in unlimited quantities as much as they are healthy. Nutritionists recommend for people under 50 years of age 38 grams of cia seeds per day for men and 25 grams for women. People over 50 years of age will consume 30 grams a day for men, or 21 grams for women.

It is also important for the intake of chia seeds that it is not advisable to sow them, as they lose valuable nutrients through heat treatment.

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